
Skilled Migration

Posted on 31/08/16 in Company News, Migration News, Uncategorised, 3 Comments

One of the most critical elements of any skilled migration application represents EVIDENCE, a set of documents supporting and surrounding Genuine Position argument. Many agents forget to account for this in the correct way and a high number of rejected nominations were indeed lacking relevant supporting evidence. General business plans / case overviews do not deliver the expected outcome on its own if they are not supported with the required proof and/or evidence demonstrating company’s actions or intentions. This evidence needs to be FACTUAL and it must support the key argument of the case.

In line with the above, we have decided to offer the following services:

Intensive Care Service
Each case gets into an ‘intensive care mode’ once the Case Officer sends the request for further information. We all know that once in an ‘intensive care mode,’ the case commands a special care and close attention, however, it is not uncommon for people to misread or mishandle this critical part of the application. We can help minimise the risk of rejection, advise on the supporting evidence that is needed to strengthen the key argument behind the Genuine Position and prepare timely and accurate response to the Government. We have the internal ‘know how’, capacity and strong track record to handle the most complex and difficult cases. Our commercial thinking and strategising skills can assist in logical positioning of the business and in providing the required explanation of the key argument in the clearest possible way. Should you have a case that is in an intensive care and requires special attention, please feel free to contact us for free assessment.

Forensic Service
For those cases that passed the intensive care stage and unfortunately got rejected, we can offer ‘postmortem/forensic’ assessment by analysing the specific business circumstances and advising the corrected path to fix the problem and re-lodge the application. A high number of applications can be revised and re-lodged with additional work and supporting evidence. We offer free assessment of the rejected cases.

For inquiries on any of the above, including business plans preparation for skilled migration, please inquire on 02 8920 0367 or [email protected].

One Comment

  1. Marie says:
    Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at 8:30pm

    Thank you for this update. Very informative Cheers!


2 Trackbacks

  1. […] Organisation Charts are essential part of any nomination submission. It is an absolute must that ‘RER’ (role, employment and residency) statuses are included. The role differentiat​ion within the organisation is the second most important area that Case Officers are analysing these days in order to validate Genuine Position criteria. […]

  2. […] need a program specifically based around regional towns, because the Federal Government’s 457 visa isn’t supporting the genuine needs of businesses in rural areas,” Mr. Blazbrook […]

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